Results for 'eds Anthony Manser and Guy Stock'

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  1. The Philosophy of F. H. Bradley.eds Anthony Manser and Guy Stock - 1984
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    The Philosophy of F.H. Bradley.Anthony Richards Manser & Guy Stock (eds.) - 1984 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    This collection of specially written papers on F. H. Bradley's philosophy makes accessible the writings of one of England's greatest philosophers. The contributors, finding in Bradley's writings arguments that extend topics currently at the forefront of philosophical thought, aim to show the relevance of Bradley's work to contemporary issues in logic, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy.
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    The Philosophy of F. H. Bradley, edited by Anthony Manser and Guy Stock.David Lamb - 1985 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 16 (2):206-208.
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  4. The Philosophy of F. M. Bradley.Anthony Manser & Guy Stock - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):57-58.
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    Anthony Manser (1924–1995).Guy Stock - 1995 - Bradley Studies 1 (1):5-5.
    It is with much sadness that we record the death of Professor Anthony Manser on 19 January, 1995. He had recently agreed to be President of the Bradley Society.
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    Reading Wittgenstein.Guy Stock - 1999 - Philosophical Investigations 22 (1):86–97.
    Books reviewed in this essay: Robert Arrington and Hans‐Johann Glock (eds), Wittgenstein & Quine John Koethe, The Continuity of Wittgenstein’s Thought P.M.S. Hacker, Wittgenstein’s Place in Twentieth‐Century Analytic Philosophy Hans Sluga and David G. Stern (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein Marie McGinn, Wittgenstein and the Philosophical Investigations.
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    Critical Notice: Paolo Leonardi and Marco Santambriogio (Eds), On Quine: New Essays[REVIEW]Guy Stock - 1997 - Philosophical Investigations 20 (3):257-265.
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    Essays on Hegel's Logic, ed. George di Giovanni.Anthony Manser - 1991 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 22 (2):105-107.
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    Bradley’s Theory of Descriptions.Anthony Manser - 2002 - Bradley Studies 8 (2):114-129.
    A draft copy of this article, dated 13th February 1988, was given by Tony Manser in 1989 to Stewart Candlish, who has edited it for publication in Bradley Studies in the hope that the finished result will not only be of value to students of Bradley and Russell but also stand as a worthy memorial to a valued colleague and friend. Editing has been confined to a minimum, such as correcting errors in punctuation, quotation, referencing and typography; no attempt (...)
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    Rousseau as Philosopher.Anthony Manser - 1971 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 5:117-130.
    Rousseau seldom gets a mention as a philosopher in the conventional histories; if he appears at all it is in connection with that strange and rather suspect discipline ‘political philosophy’. Even then there is a tendency to look upon him as an unsystematic thinker, as a ‘ philosophy ’ rather than as a genuine philosopher. His ideas are held to be interesting, but the connections between them are thought to be emotional rather than logical. Again, Émile is read by students (...)
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  11. Letters to the Editor.John D. Sommer, Ed Casey, Mary C. Rawlinson, Eva Kittay, Michael A. Simon, Patrick Grim, Clyde Lee Miller, Rita Nolan, Marshall Spector, Don Ihde, Peter Williams, Anthony Weston, Donn Welton, Dick Howard, David A. Dilworth & Tom Foster Digby 3d - 1993 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 66 (5):97 - 112.
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    The end of philosophy: Marx and Wittgenstein.Anthony Richards Manser - 1973 - Southampton,: University of Southampton.
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    Language, Language-Games and the Theory of Meaning.Anthony Manser - 1982 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 56 (1):1-20.
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    The Foundation and Structure of Sartrean Ethics. Thomas C. Anderson.Anthony Manser - 1981 - Ethics 91 (3):523-525.
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    Knowing and being.Anthony Manser - 1970 - Philosophical Books 11 (2):21-23.
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    Phenomenology and Existentialism.Anthony Manser - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (74):85-86.
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    Errol E. Harris, An Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel. Lanham, U.S.A. and London, University Press of America, 1983, pp. xiii, 346, hardback $26.25, paperback $15.25. [REVIEW]Anthony Manser - 1984 - Hegel Bulletin 5 (2):49-50.
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    Games and Family Resemblances.Anthony Manser - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (161):210 - 225.
    In his Philosophical Investigations , Wittgenstein introduces the notion of a ‘family resemblance’ to deal with certain problems. Talking of games and what they seem to have in common, he points out that there are no common features in virtue of which we call all games ‘games’. Instead there are, he claims, many different similarities and relationships; he says ‘we see a complicated network of similarities overlapping and criss-crossing: sometimes overall similarities, sometimes similarities of detail’. He then goes on to (...)
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    Philosophy and Personal Relations. An Anglo-French Study.Philosophie et Relations Interpersonelles. Rencontre de Deux Traditions. [REVIEW]Anthony Manser - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (98):91-93.
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    Appearance versus reality: new essays on Bradley's metaphysics.Guy Stock (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book collects new studies of the work of F. H. Bradley, a leading British philosopher of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and one of the key figures in the emergence of Anglo-American analytic philosophy. Well-known contributors from Britain, North America, and Australia focus on Bradley's views on truth, knowledge, and reality. These essays contribute to the current re-evaluation of Bradley, showing that his work not only was crucial to the development of twentieth-century philosophy, but illuminates contemporary debates (...)
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein on Russell's Theory of Judgment.Guy Stock - 1973 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7:62-75.
    In the early years of this century the debate as to the nature of judgment was a central issue dividing British philosophers. What a philosopher said about judgment was not independent of what he said about perception, the distinction between the a priori and empirical, the distinction between external and internal relations, the nature of inference, truth, universals, language, the reality of the self and so on.
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  22. The Life, Unpublished Letters, and Philosophical Regimen of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, Ed. By B. Rand.Anthony Ashley Cooper & Benjamin Rand - 1900
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    Cicero the Advocate/The Roman World of Cicero's De Oratore.Anthony Corbeill - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):144-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cicero the Advocate, and: The Roman World of Cicero's De OratoreAnthony CorbeillJonathan Powell and Jeremy Paterson, eds. Cicero the Advocate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. xii + 448 pp. Cloth, $150.Elaine Fantham. The Roman World of Cicero's De Oratore. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. x + 354 pp. Cloth, $120.Emphasis falls emphatically on "advocate" in the fine Powell and Paterson collection. Each essay concentrates on the forensic speeches (...)
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    Daoist Resonances in Heidegger: Exploring a Forgotten Debt, by David Chai, ed.Anthony Casadonte - 2023 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):128-130.
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  25. The Philosomer.Anthony Gritten - 2024 - Performance Philosophy 9 (1).
    A decade on from its founding, it is the right time to take stock and consider the manner of Performance Philosophy’s constitution and its projection into and onto the world. There are questions about how it narrates itself, both inwardly to its network (though the global reach of Performance Philosophy suggests that ‘inward’ is not the right word here) and outwardly towards interlocutors nominally outside the network. One challenge concerns the “performative materialisation” of Performance Philosophy’s many practitioners. This can (...)
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    A note on Rescher's 'Semantic Foundations for the Logic of Preference'.Anthony Willing - 1976 - Theory and Decision 7 (3):221-229.
    In ‘Semantic Foundations for the Logic of Preference’ (Rescher, ed.,The Logic of Decision and Action, University Press, Pittsburgh, 1967), Nicholas Rescher claims that, on the semantics developed in that paper, a certain principle - call it ‘Q’ turns out to be ‘unacceptable’. I argue, however, that, given certain assumptions that Rescher invokes in that same paper,Q can in fact be shown to be a ‘preference-tautology’, and henceQ should be classified as ‘acceptable’ on Rescher's theory.
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    Selected articles & chapters, by date.Anthony Greenwald - manuscript
    Lane, K. A., Banaji, M. R., Nosek, B. A., & Greenwald, A. G. (2007). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: IV. What we know (so far) (Pp. 59–102). In B. Wittenbrink & N. S. Schwarz (Eds.). Implicit measures of attitudes: Procedures and controversies . New York: Guilford Press. PDF - 652KB ].
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  28. How the Situationist International became what it was.Anthony Hayes - 2017 - Dissertation, Australian National University
    The Situationist International (1957-1972) was a small group of communist revolutionaries, originally organised out of the West European artistic avant-garde of the 1950s. The focus of my thesis is to explain how the Situationist International (SI) became a group able to exert a considerable influence on the ultra-left criticism that emerged during and in the wake of the May movement in France in 1968. My wager is that the pivotal period of the group is to be found between 1960 and (...)
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    The Voices of Wittgenstein: The Vienna Circle. [REVIEW]Guy Stock - 2005 - Philosophical Investigations 28 (1):80-82.
    Book reviewed: The Voices of Wittgenstein: The Vienna Circle– Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Waismann (Transcribed, Edited and with an Introduction by Gordon Baker; Translated by Gordon Baker, Michael Mackett, John Connolly and Vasilis Politis); Routledge; London and New York, 2003 (Pp xlviii + 558. German and English Texts on Facing Pages.).
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  30. Legal Regulation of Affirmative Action in Northern Ireland: An Empirical AssessmentA shorter version of this article, omitting some of the detailed analysis contained here, was published earlier as: Christopher McCrudden, Robert Ford and Anthony Heath, The Impact of Affirmative Action Agreement in Bob Osborne and Ian Shuttleworth (eds), Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: a generation on (Belfast: Blackstone Press, 2004), 11947. We are grateful to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland f. [REVIEW]Robert Ford & Anthony Heath - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (3):363-415.
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    The Chinese Room Comes of Age A Review of Preston & Bishop.Anthony Freeman - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (5-6):5-6.
    It was in 1980 that John Searle first opened the door of his Chinese Room, purporting to show that the conscious mind cannot, in principle, work like a digital computer. Searle, who speaks no Chinese, stipulated that locked in this fictitious space he had a supply of different Chinese symbols, together with instructions for using them . When Chinese characters were passed in to him, he would consult the instructions and pass out more symbols. Neither input nor output would mean (...)
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    Leper Creativity: Cyclonopedia symposium.Ed Keller, Nicola Masciandaro & Eugene Thacker (eds.) - 2012 - Brooklyn, NY.: Punctum Books.
    Essays, articles, artworks, and documents taken from and inspired by the symposium on Reza Negarestani's Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials, which took place in March 2011 at The New School. Hailed by novelists, philosophers, artists, cinematographers, and designers, Cyclonopedia is a key work in the emerging domains of speculative realism and theory-fiction. The text has attracted a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary audience, provoking vital debate around the relationship between philosophy, geopolitics, geophysics, and art. At once a work of speculative theology, a (...)
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    Exception or Ekklesia.Anthony Bartlett - 2024 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 31 (1):129-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exception or EkklesiaSolution to a Girardian Dead EndAnthony Bartlett (bio)The 2023 Colloquium on Violence & Religion conference held in Paris on the centenary of Girard's birth had as its theme "The Future of Mimetic Theory," suggesting both taking stock and a forward perspective. Lucid historical moments do not coincide necessarily with centenaries, but the pressures of our present time are great and the prompt of a hundred-years anniversary (...)
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    Big data surveillance across fields: Algorithmic governance for policing & regulation.Anthony Amicelle - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    While the academic separation of policing and regulation is still largely operative, points of convergence are more significant than ever in the digital age, starting with concomitant debates about algorithms as a new figure of power. From the policing of illegal activities to the regulation of legal ones, the algorithmization of such critical social ordering practices has been the subject of growing attention. These burgeoning discussions are focused on one common element: big data surveillance. In accordance with such similarities and (...)
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    Bradley's Logic. By Anthony Manser[REVIEW]Roland J. Teske - 1985 - Modern Schoolman 62 (3):212-213.
  36. Thomas Le Myésier, Breviculum seu Electorium parvum Thomae Migerii (Le Myésier), ed. Charles Lohr, Theodor Pindl-Büchel, and Walburga Büchel.(Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 77; Raimundi Lulli Opera Latina, Supplementi Lulliani 1.) Turnhout: Brepols, 1990. Pp. xxvi, 414; black-and-white and color plates. [REVIEW]Anthony Bonner - 1993 - Speculum 68 (1):194-196.
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    Review: Ripstein (ed), Immanuel Kant (International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought). [REVIEW]Anthony J. Carroll - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):339-340.
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    Pamela Armstrong, ed., Authority in Byzantium. . Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. xxii, 366; 48 black-and-white figures. $134.95. ISBN: 9781409436089. [REVIEW]Anthony Kaldellis - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):156-157.
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    Randall E. Auxier and Phil Seng, eds. (2008) The Wizard of Oz and Philosophy: Wicked Wisdom of the West.Anthony Metivier - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):481-483.
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  40. Theodore Scaltsas and Andrew S. Mason (eds.), The Philosophy of Epictetus.Anthony A. Long - 2009 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:233-239.
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    Review of Rick Anthony Furtak, Wisdom in Love: Kierkegaard and the Ancient Quest for Emotional Integrity[REVIEW]Ed Mooney - 2005 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2005 (7).
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    "Vatican 2:The Theological Dimension," ed. Anthony D. Lee, O.P. [REVIEW]Maurice R. Holloway - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (3):348-348.
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    Aquinas and the Nicomachean Ethics ed. by Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams.Anthony Celano - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):376-377.
  44.  33
    The Picture Theory and Assertion.Guy Stock - 1986 - Philosophical Investigations 9 (2):129-133.
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    Language, Reality, and Mind – By Charles Crittenden.Guy Stock - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (4):396-400.
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    Philosophy in Schools and Democracy.Guy Stock - 1987 - Cogito 1 (1):19-21.
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  47. Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M., ed., Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality. [REVIEW]Anthony Celano - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:179-181.
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    R. K. Ashdowne, ed., Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources, fascicule XVII, Syr–Z. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2013. Paper. Pp. xvi, 384. £60. ISBN: 978-0-19-726561-1. [REVIEW]Anthony Harvey - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):768-770.
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  49. Review of Andrew Irvine and John Russell (eds.), In the Agora: The Public Face of Canadian Philosophy[REVIEW]Anthony Skelton - 2011 - The University of Toronto Quarterly 80 (1):244-245.
    This is a critical review of In the Agora: The Public Face of Canadian Philosophy. It argues that this book does not adequately represent the public face of Canadian philosophy, though it contains some first-rate contributions.
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  50. Reviews : Harry Brod (ed.), The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies (Boston, Allen and Unwin, 1987). [REVIEW]Anthony McMahon - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 24 (1):166-170.
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